Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Will Never Give Up!

Those who live according
to the flesh have their minds set
on what the flesh desires;
but those who live according
to the Spirit have their minds set
on what the Spirit desires.
Romans 8:5

I Will Never Give Up

My head is bowed down
My spirit broken
for I have failed, yet again,
to do the very thing I want to do
and I've done the very thing I
didn't want to do.

The flesh is a demanding
cacophony, ever clamoring
to be satisfied.

I stand firm...for a while,
then cave in a weak moment
that begins a rapid descent 
out of

I am ashamed
 that once again
I have let you down
let myself down.

The only spark of joy
the only light
is the knowledge
that you still love me

As I kneel before you, now
please forgive me.
Set my feet back on the right path.
Renew my strength and
help me to start again.

Help me to ignore the constant clamor
of my flesh, for things that 
tear me down, rather than build me up.

As I rise, I will go
in the power of your Holy Spirit,
with my mind set on 
what the Spirit desires.

I go...
back into the battle

I will fight the demands of my flesh
as long as I live and
I will never give up!

(Copyright© 2014 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I hear a voice

I hear a voice...

He calls to me
and I am drawn
away from the noise
to a quiet place.

He stills my hurried heart
calms my spirit
with inaudible
deep whispers.

He reveals purpose
and truth,
stirring me
to push on...

deeper still
into the
His fathomless love

and when I am 
He sends me out
to fulfill
that for which
He created me.


(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)
photo credit: Giampaolo Macorig via photopin cc