Saturday, September 14, 2013

In the arms of Jesus

photo courtesy mokra,

He threatens and my heart catches in my throat.
God, no!
My mind runs ahead, imagining the scenario.
I am horrified
shaken to the core.
This beautiful boy with so much life to live
He can't mean it!

I mentally snatch him up in my arms
and run, run, run
to lay him in the arms of Jesus.

Please, please, Lord - keep him safe
I don't know if he's serious
or if he's just mad right now,
but I'm scared.

My heart is racing,
tears fill my eyes
an ache wrenches my chest
panic sets in
and then

Be still, my child.
I've got this.
I love this boy
more than you could ever know.

He's been        mine since
birth. I have plans for him and I
 will see them  through  to fruition.
Don't believe the lies of the enemy
I will surround this boy with love
with a hedge of protection
because of my great love
and because one day
he will do great 
things for

My heart settles
ceases it's trembling
faith and trust
rush in.
Peace pushes away fear.
I draw a deep, cleansing breath.

Thank you, Lord.
Thank you.
I believe.

 "The Lord will keep you from all harm
He will watch over your life;
 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
 both now and forever more."
Psalm 121:7-8

(Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Wonder - Awestruck Wonder

photo courtesy Justine Gallien of PYP Portraits, LLC
 I pray - I wait - and I wonder.

I wonder at the knowledge that God hears me
that He loves me and
that He cares about what concerns me.

I wonder how He will answer my prayer
Not if  He will answer,
but how he will answer...and when.

I wonder how He will take the perplexities in my life
and turn them around for my good.

I wonder how He will use these circumstances to mold
me into the image of Christ.

I wonder at the hardships He allows so that I may grow
and comfort others with the comfort
He has given me
through the storms.

I wonder at the blessings He pours out
Unearned, undeserved
undeniably an outpouring of grace.

I look wonder
awestruck wonder
and gaze into the face of
perfect love.

"Who among the gods is like you, Lord?
Who is like you— majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory, working wonders?"
Exodus 15:11

(Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)