Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Dandelion's Mission

The Dandelion

 Summer's gone
the dandelion has faded
its petals are dried and fragile.

A weed, good for nothing
they say,
but what do they know?

For in that fragile skeleton
abides abundant life.

The Lord, God sends the wind
sometimes a gentle breeze
that nudges a few seeded petals 
from their security...
Sometimes the winds of adversity
that whirl and swirl
stripping the dandelion
sending out seed
on the breath of God.

He carries them on the wind.

What seems to be random
is very deliberate
for He alone knows
where to carry the seeds
to fertile ground.

Your life, like the dandelion
has been more productive
 than you know,
for the seeds you've scattered
have taken root
and grown in the hearts
of those you've touched.

Though our time
seems fleeting
and sometime

Though we've too quickly
lost our bloom
don't dispair
for we have planted seeds
that will be watered
by the Lord
and nourished long after we're gone.

Proudly stands the dandelion
for she knows
that she has been used by God
to spread His love
around the world.


(Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

 Photo courtesy LifeSupercharger (License)
Original photo altered

Saturday, September 14, 2013

In the arms of Jesus

photo courtesy mokra, rgbstock.com

He threatens and my heart catches in my throat.
God, no!
My mind runs ahead, imagining the scenario.
I am horrified
shaken to the core.
This beautiful boy with so much life to live
He can't mean it!

I mentally snatch him up in my arms
and run, run, run
to lay him in the arms of Jesus.

Please, please, Lord - keep him safe
I don't know if he's serious
or if he's just mad right now,
but I'm scared.

My heart is racing,
tears fill my eyes
an ache wrenches my chest
panic sets in
and then

Be still, my child.
I've got this.
I love this boy
more than you could ever know.

He's been        mine since
birth. I have plans for him and I
 will see them  through  to fruition.
Don't believe the lies of the enemy
I will surround this boy with love
with a hedge of protection
because of my great love
and because one day
he will do great 
things for

My heart settles
ceases it's trembling
faith and trust
rush in.
Peace pushes away fear.
I draw a deep, cleansing breath.

Thank you, Lord.
Thank you.
I believe.

 "The Lord will keep you from all harm
He will watch over your life;
 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
 both now and forever more."
Psalm 121:7-8

(Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Wonder - Awestruck Wonder

photo courtesy Justine Gallien of PYP Portraits, LLC
 I pray - I wait - and I wonder.

I wonder at the knowledge that God hears me
that He loves me and
that He cares about what concerns me.

I wonder how He will answer my prayer
Not if  He will answer,
but how he will answer...and when.

I wonder how He will take the perplexities in my life
and turn them around for my good.

I wonder how He will use these circumstances to mold
me into the image of Christ.

I wonder at the hardships He allows so that I may grow
and comfort others with the comfort
He has given me
through the storms.

I wonder at the blessings He pours out
Unearned, undeserved
undeniably an outpouring of grace.

I look up...in wonder
awestruck wonder
and gaze into the face of
perfect love.

"Who among the gods is like you, Lord?
Who is like you— majestic in holiness,
awesome in glory, working wonders?"
Exodus 15:11

(Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Birds of a Feather

 (Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)
Photo frame courtesy Graphics Fairy http://thegraphicsfairy.com

We sing your praise, All Mighty God We shout name on high Our voices blend together, Lord
in harmony we fly to carry your song throughout the world the message of your love from earth below to skies above May your name be glorified!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Your Daughters Dance with Joy

 From generation to generation, Lord,
your daughter's dance with joy
Delighting in your love and the beauty
of your creation
You lift our spirits and fill us
with delight
with melody
with unspeakable joy.

You set our feet to dancin' and
we dance for you!

(Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My Idea of Heaven

*picture copyright notice
My Idea of Heaven

When I read that you've gone to prepare a place for me
I don't imagine a marvelous mansion
filled with opulent furnishing.

I imagine a cottage set in the forest
wildflowers abloom
a brook behind
and a porch where we can meet
and to talk, to laugh, to share our hearts.

This would be Heaven for me, dear Lord,
so...would it be too bold of me
to ask that you design my mansion 
with this cottage in mind?

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so,
I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2

(Copyright© 2013 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

*I spent quite some time trying to locate the person who owns the copyrights to this picture, with no success as it's quite a common picture on the internet. If you own the copyrights and you object to it's use on this blog. Please notify me and I will remove it promptly.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Arise in Me

 Arise in Me

Lord, as the sun rises in the morning sky
Let your Holy Spirit rise in me.

Let your Holy Spirit rise in me, flooding my soul
with the light of your presence
that I might shine for your glory.

(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

As long as there is time...

photo courtesy wolliballa, rgbstock.com
As long as there is time
and one breath left in me
there will always be
one more song for You. 


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Fruitless Tree

photo courtesy weirdvis, rgbstock.com

A fruitless tree stands all alone
ugly, barren, good for nothing
but a stark reminder of what it should be.

photo courtesy bertlvthul, rgbstock.com

Created to be lush, green, a haven for the birds
bearer of fruit, reproductive, filled with purpose.
A shade for the weary and worn
a respite, a shelter, a refreshing.

Likewise, we are to be fruitful
filled with love, joy, peace, forbearance, 
kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control.

A heart that provides encouragement,
sympathy, comfort and joy.

Fruitful trees multiply.
Be fruitful! 

(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sweet Rose of Sharon 2

Sweet Rose of Sharon
fragrance of grace
beauty beyond compare

A thorny crown
upon your brow
pain endured
for me

Delicate strength
that held you there
on the cross
in agony

Tears flow
as I think
of the love
that it took
to set


(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)
photo courtesy graphicsfairy.blogspot.com

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Look Up

 I look up, O Lord
I seek your face

When the world overwhelms
I turn my eyes toward heaven
and pray

When the blessings fall
I turn my eyes toward heaven
and give thanks

When fear enshrouds
I turn my eyes toward heaven
and find courage

When You seem far away
I turn my eyes inward
and find your Spirit there

For when I seek You
I find you
Ever faithful
Ever loving
Ever near
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

photo courtesy The Graphics Fairy LLC
(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Creation's Symphony

Photo courtesy saavem, rgbstock.com
I love to sing a song to My Lord
but sometimes He sings a song to me

Raindrops provide a steady rhythm
while the wind blows a flute-y melody
Rustling leaves in the tree
whisper of words of love
from the Creator above

 A red-breasted robin sings melody
crickets drone backup
the Holy Spirit hums from within

As the music swells
my heart overflows
until I can't help but sing along with all nature
a symphony of praise
for God our King

(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

An Open Door

I know your deeds.
 See, I have placed before you an open door
that no one can shut.
I know that you have little strength, 
yet you have kept my word
and have not denied my name.
Revelation 3:8

An open door before me stands.
Though long I have waited,
the Lord has not forgotten me.
I have kept the faith and He has rewarded me
with a glimpse - a path
to my future.

No one can stop me now!

(Copyright© 2012 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)